If you are using a Motorola phone and your converstation log appears out of order and hard to follow, you probably need to adjust your Message Offset. You can find it at Settings > "Edit this phone". To fix the issue, you can either try every offset between +1 and +12 or you can look closely at your message logs and deduce your offset.
Lets say your logs look like this:
12:06 Jenna Sam Absolutely. What time.
12:04 Jenna Sam Sounds fun :\ same here.
12:02 Jenna Sam Fine. Where are you at.
8:05 Sam Jenna Want to go to a movie tonight.
8:03 Sam Jenna At home just chillin.
8:01 Sam Jenna Hey girl, how are you today
From this example, it appears that the conversation is off by 4 hours so you would choose +4 for the Message Offset. After you make the change, the log should look like this:
8:06 Jenna Sam Absolutely. What time.
8:05 Sam Jenna Want to go to a movie tonight.
8:04 Jenna Sam Sounds fun :\ same here.
8:03 Sam Jenna At home just chillin.
8:02 Jenna Sam Fine. Where are you at.
8:01 Sam Jenna Hey girl, how are you today