Unable To Open Login Page in IE

If you are having trouble bringing up the login page in Internet Explorer, you might need to enable the most recent version of TLS (Transport Layer Security)

STEP 1: Open the browser settings by clicking the "Change settings" button or by clicking the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser window.


Step 2: If you selected the Gear icon, then click "Internet options" from the dropdown menu .

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Step 3: Once the Internet Options dialog is open, go to the Advanced tab.

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Step 4: Scroll down until you see the settings for SSL and TLS.

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Step 5: Make sure the checkboxes for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 are selected. Then press the "Apply" button to save the settings. Press "OK" to close the dialog.

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Step 6: Refresh the login page by pressing F5 or clicking the refresh icon in the address bar. The page might take up to 15 seconds to reload.
